Saturday, August 14, 2010


On Wednesday I was called late in the day that Elbert was being transferred to a nursing home. To me that says that the hospital had done all they could do for him.

I have been going down each day to visit. He's extremely weak and his speech isn't as clear as it was but he does make some sentences that are recognizable. He asked yesterday 'where is Mike?' Michael and his wife left a couple days ago. Did he remember that Michael had been here or was it a random thought connecting with memories in his head? I'd like to think that he remembered parts of the week long visit while Michael and Susan were here. But, then, of course, we hang on to what we want happen, not what is happening most times.

It just about broke my heart to leave him at the nursing home. A different reason, a different scenario than when we left him at Magnolia Manor. This seemed so final. At Magnolia there were people walking around, talking, watching tv, they seemed to have some 'life' left in them. At the nursing home the beds are filled with patients who are sick and maybe dying, wheelchairs go up and down the hallways. It's a sad, sad place. Shirley and I walked back to the car after leaving Elbert and just collapsed into each others arms and cried.  Life has many twists and turns. This is one turn I just as soon not come upon.

We have to find a sunny place in all this sadness and we did..... Guess what.... no more Ms. Meany. 


JUST A MOM said...

Hang in there and Prayers for some kind of PEACE

Gilda Spitz said...

Latane, I'm so sorry. This must be such a difficult time for you. I'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best.


Susannah said...

Latane...I was sadly crying for you and Shirley......and then all of a sudden ...I read... - NO MORE MISS MEANY!!!!!I love your humor!!!!

Get some rest, my dear, and try to relax when you possible can. It really is a terrible time for you and your family. I am still praying, of course.

Dolores said...

What to say, what to say......No words .....

I'm so sorry!!! Please know that you're in my thoughts and prayers....

Take care of yourself and know that your are loved..