Friday, March 20, 2009

It Happened -- he didn't know me - 2007

We had been traveling down this long, narrow path of Alzheimers for over 6 years and you think you have things all figured out and then you get blindsided. It was Sept 20, 2007 (I'll never forget). Elbert was talking to me ... about his wife and did not realize that I was his wife. I knew the day would come, if we lived long enough, but I just wasn't ready for it, not yet. I did not cry. It felt more like someone had slammed me up against the wall. I was speechless, it had just sucked the life right out of me.

This isn't fair. We have a new grandson on the way and Elbert will never know that child and the baby will never know what a wonderful grandfather he had.

I caught my breath, then I smiled and told him I would call his wife and tell her what he wanted me to tell her. HIS Wife, that's me. This is a devastating blow but I picked myself up, made my pretend call, then went about my chores. Within a short period of time I was back to being his honey again.


Linda Jennings said...

You described it very well. Although I thought I was prepared for the time when my mother would not know me, I wasn't.

Mary said...

This is heartbreaking. How hard this must all be for you and Elbert both. My prayers are with you.